• 9410404219
  • nsacademy41@gmail.com


Late coming is strictly prohibited.

  • The following actions are considered sufficient reasons for the dismissal of any student.
  • Irregular attendance of any student.
  • Indulging in any kind of malpractice in test / examinations.
  • Disrespect to teachers, school authorities and school properties.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal.
  • Incase students damage any of the school properties , breakage amount will be collected.


  • A minimum attendance of 80% is required for promotion.
  • Absent without leave letter will be considered as absent only.
  • Consecutive absent for 10 days without leave letter entails removal of name from the roll.
  • If a student is absent on ground of ill health, and it exceeds 3 days, a leave letter should be sent first and a medical certificate should be submitted when the subject joins again.
  • Students affected by infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend the school till recovery.


  • Neat and perfect uniform is compulsory on all working days.
  • Prescribed dresses should be worn from Monday to Friday , for all classes from KG
  • Sportswear with sports shoe should be worn on Wednesday.
  • Shoes should be maintained neatly with laces properly tied.
  • PLASTIC or RUBBER or FANCY shoes are not allowed.
  • Nails should be periodically cleaned and trimmed.


  • Assessment is continues and promotion to next class is purely based on the academic performance of the student, throughout the year.
  • Performance in the final examination is considered to be confirmation for the results of the year’s work.
  • Due weight- age is given to regular attendance and regularity in work.


  • All students and staff are the members of the library..
  • One book only will be issued at one time and the student is allowed to retain that for a week..
  • Cost of book will be collected if book is lost.
  • Reference books cannot be taken out of the library.
  • Library books have to be maintained neatly.
  • Marking, underlining and tearing off pages are strictly prohibited.